Archive for November, 2013

JOHN 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.

You know we all suffer, my suffering are just different than yours. And I believe a true test can come when we can glorify our Heavenly Father during and in spite of the sufferings we have.

Most people that know me know that I suffer from a variety of medical problems that stemmed from when I had cancer twice 12 years ago. And if I averaged all the surgeries I’ve had that would come out to almost 2 a year for at least 10 years. WOW, that’s a lot of surgeries right, if you add up that’s a lot of time in the hospital and until I submitted my life to Christ in 2009 I didn’t have any hope of joy. I always thought that that’s how my life was just going to be. Half  Empty

In 2009 Jesus changed all that and in stead of looking at the glass as half empty, I started seeing it half full. All because I started living the way I was being taught through Gods Word. I didn’t get it right off the start but I learned that it’s a process, a journey. From this point I started see that the time I had to go to Drs or being the hospital I started seeing as an opportunity to tell people about Jesus and encourage people. I still do this to this very day. This is how I keep the joy of the Lord when I’m sick. It’s not always easy either, but I try to keep in mind the hope I have and others desperately need this same hope, which makes it all worth it. God is really good to me and is allowing me to live a full life for Him

If you have some struggle or burden take it to Jesus and find a believer in Christ that can encourage you, lift you up in pray and let you know that you don’t have to struggle all alone. God Bless You All

© Copyright By Bart Hickey, All Rights Reserved, 2011, 2012 and 2013


The Abuse Expose' with Secret Angel


A Rose For Each Victim:

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This poem is a collaboration with my wife.

No Other Way

For Christ I’m a prisoner in chains
Through His Blood I have hope that remains
In my heart my desires have changed
Through His love my life got exchanged
His Word is what guides my way
His conviction helps me to not stray
Seeking humility keeps me on the right track
That’s because the devil is always on the attack
Sin is what separates me from God
Because of sin my nature is flawed
Forgiveness of sin comes through grace
Sanctification is a process in this race
My God I love with my whole heart
That’s because Christ on the cross gave me a new start
My God will not lead me astray
With Him there is no other way

© Copyright By Bart Hickey, All Rights Reserved, 2011, 2012 and 2013


John 15:13
“Greater love has no one than this:
to lay down one’s life
for one’s friends.”

Freedom isn’t free and it’s my belief that to be truly free someone has to make a sacrifice in order for themselves and others to be free. I believe this for two primary reasons. There’s two ways you can say what I’m about to write and finish this write and you’ll understand. To the free nations “Some gave all in order for all to have some freedom” and then “All gave some some gave all”

As veterans and armed service personnel we sacrificed all we have in order that the people of America can  practice the God given freedoms that the US Constitution promises. And we do this for many reasons and willingly. We want our children to have better than what we have. We have freedoms that no other country has all because Some sacrifice all they have in order for all of America can have freedom. Now the other “All gave some, some gave all’ refers to all those that gave it all on the battle field not to return home alive or came home and are forever scared and wounded. It is not my intention to upset anyone but our freedom and Americas freedom isn’t free, so please thank our veterans and service members especially on Veterans day but not limited to Veterans day or Memorial Day for the sacrifices they make every day for us. So please be ever grateful to our Veterans and Armed Service Personnel whether in the USA or across foreign lands…

But let us not forget the One most important person that gave up everything to free us from the bondage and slavery to sin. He truly frees us, He redeemed sinful man all because God loves you, me, all of us. Jesus walked for approximately 33 ½ years fully God and fully man ministering to mankind that He is the Christ and all that would lay down their life and believe in Him will have eternal life. Do we deserve it NO, can we earn it NO. Romans 10:9 says That if you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord”  and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. I next start the process of walking away from my past life allowing Christ to come live in my heart changing me from the inside out and then making the changes willingly on the outside so that others can see the love of God and the hope that lives in me. Now these changes come through studying Gods Word as well, obeying the conviction of the Holy Spirit from sin. We all have to count the cost to be a follower of Christ.

If you want the kind of freedom that only Christ can give then confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you my friend are saved. Find a church locally that hopefully teaches the Bible and only the Bible or find a ministered to help guide you along in this journey. If you have fallen away go to the Lord in Prayer confessing asking for forgiveness and start walking closely in a relationship with Christ. No matter the bondage Christ can and will break the chains of sin. Well thank you and God Bless You all….

© Copyright By Bart Hickey, All Rights Reserved, 2011, 2012 and 2013


Life’s challenges comes with many ups and downs
They start in the morning when my feet hit the ground
They actually started when I was first born
Father hit mother my heart was just torn
Through out life the abuse never changed
As I grew older I felt more estranged
In my youth I started searching around
Searching for answers I thought wouldn’t be found
I searched in a bottle, I searched in a drug
All the wrong places I was looking for love
The answers that came would never last
I hid in a mask and never looked at my past
One day I met Jesus love at first sight
I now see what love is I grasp it real tight
From the love I once had to the love I have now
It was the love of my Savior that changed my heart wow
I confess to Jesus asked Him to live in my heart
He forgives me of sin and now I have a new start

© Copyright By Bart Hickey, All Rights Reserved, 2011, 2012 and 2013

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.

Have you ever wondered why people wake up and get out of bed day in and day out? In fact what I’m actually asking is what is the primary motivating factor that drives us to do the things we do? I suspect that on any given day the motivation could be different, but most people have a routines. In fact if you were to ask people the top three answers you would get most likely are Family, Work, and Children. These are great motivational factors that drives us, but what if I can inspire you to another?

Christ and His plan for your life. But I somehow think that we have to first get involved in Christ’s plan. How do I do this? First you have to know Christ and it says in Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart, that God raised him from the dead you will be saved.

Now let us live for our King, Jesus. Let the motivating factor in your life be that we are living for Christ. I understand that we have to work to take care of the family, pay the mortgage, and other things to sustain life, but this is our temporary home and there are so many people, children out there that need Jesus. So let’s challenge one another to let His plan for our life no matter what area of life we are in be to grow Gods Kingdom. Lets share the Hope that we have with our friends, coworkers family, children, the people that God will bring to us to share with them how Jesus changed us and gives us life. When we all do this we impact the Kingdom for Christ…..

© Copyright By Bart Hickey, All Rights Reserved, 2011, 2012 and 2013