Archive for the ‘Short Stories about GOD’ Category

From Alien To Citizen


Ephesians 2:19-22

So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, 20. Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, 21. In whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into the holy temple in the Lord. 22. In him you are also are being built together in to a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.


As I was listening again to the message from Sunday, 8/8/2021 I am being reminded how before I knew Christ as my personal Savior, I was an alien in this world without hope, meaning I was a sinner that was not yet saved by God’s grace alone. Listening this morning I am reminded that for people that are not citizens of the United States, there is a process that one can go through to become a citizen of America. Now I don’t profess to know what that’s like because I am a natural born citizen, but I expect there are classes you would have to go through to learn history, language amongst other things to become a citizen of the United States.


Well, if you are without Jesus and therefore without hope you are an alien and stranger to the family of God. What I mean by this is you are a sinner and therefore belong to this world. Well unlike the process of having to go through to become a citizen of some nation, there are no classes that one would have to go through to become citizens of God. All’s one would have to do is believe in the all sufficient, all saving name and the power of Jesus Christ.

Romans 10: 9-10 says, 9. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.

That’s right all you have to do is believe in Jesus. You can’t earn it or do anything to get it, just believe and confess as Romans 10:9 says. Jesus did all the work, there’s no more sacrifices to be made no more priests having to atone for the sins of the people, Jesus literally went to the cross, took on his back all our sin and shame, basically accepting the wrath of God for us, me and you, so that we can be citizens in the family of God. We are co-heirs with Jesus, what a way to live.


All my life, because of my upbringing,  felt as though I never belonged to anything. I tired football, baseball, rodeo, work, you name it I tried any and everything to belong. I even thought for a long time that I’ve sinned too much, done to much damage to ever be able to have the grace of God. What God spoke to my heart is only Jesus can save me and that I need to confess my brokenness to Christ and believe in him to be saved. Today Jesus is my Savior and Lord base on what Jesus did on the cross and only what Jesus did, as again what Roman’s 10:9-10 says.


If you are without hope, and an alien in this world, and would like to be a citizen in the family of God, you would like to belong to something more loving and powerful that anything in this world, put your trust in Jesus Christ, who is all sufficient and all powerful to save, and you then will gain an inheritance that no one or nothing in all creation, this world can take away from you. I love you and hope you trust Jesus today.

In His Service




By The Power Of Jesus


Every chain has been broken

By the power of Jesus

I hear the chains a fallin

By His power He frees us


When I was in prison

Chained to these walls

The prison of my mind

Where I fall and I fall


Every chain has been broken

By the power of Jesus

I hear the chains a fallin

It’s by His power He frees us


I was stuck in this prison

Where there was no getting out

I would hear the voices in my head

Where they would do nothing but shout


Every chain has been broken

By the power of Jesus

I see the chains a fallin

By His power He frees us


I heard a new voice

Whispering in my ear

Come to Me My child

Let Me draw you in near


I will open up your heart

Then come and live inside

You’ll want to live with me

You’ll never ever have to hide


Every chain has been broken

By the power of Jesus

I see the chains a fallin

It’s by His Power He frees us



Copyright By Bart Hickey, All Rights Reserved 2021

Christ Breaks Every Chain


You died on the Tree to break every chain

Even the sin of addiction that causes all my pain


The freedom from sin that opens up my heart

You died on that cross to give me a new start


I once was lost in the world and going to the grave

I heard Your message and knew You came to save


It was me that dropped to my knees

You called my name then pulled me from the weeds


I confessed all my sin it is You that forgives

You gave me life now forever with You I will live


Heavens my home I’m temporarily in this shell

You came to this earth to save me from hell


Now when I look in the mirror it’s You I want to see

I’m reminded that it’s You that set me free


You washed my feet then sent me out to serve

I read Your Word to help me not to swerve


You put me on a mission that helps build my faith

I share Your Gospel it tells how you came to save


So if you are lost and broken all’s you do is want to hide

Drop to your knees confess your sin then Jesus lives inside


Your heart is where Christ wants to live

A new life is what he wants to give


So if you’re asking why Christ had to die

To free us from God’s wrath so we won’t have to die


He sent me out to share how He came to give hope

I share God’s message of how He saved me from all the dope


I’ve been set from all the guilt and shame

Christ died on the tree so that we can believe His Name


So if your lost and all you want to do is die

Believe in Jesus’ Name so you won’t have to believe satans lies



Copyright By Bart Hickey, All Rights Reserved 2021



Broken pieces, don’t seem to have worth

Formed from clay, drawn from the earth

Broken and scattered, they got threw away

This sounds like me, oh come what may


Broken pieces, represent this old life

For most of it, I was caught up in strife

I know one thing, I was formed by my God

But lost and broken, I was caught up in my flaws


Broken and lost, I was without hope

Felt unloved, I had no way to cope

Beaten and bruised was my only friends

There were times I thought my life might end


I was on a path, I could only see one way

It wasn’t for righteousness, that I did stray

It was very dark, the darkest I’d ever seen

The walls were black, tainted with mean


I was so broken, lost without hope

Sliding down, down a slippery slope

One day I saw a light, it caught my eye

Love was displayed, then I breathed with a sigh


I heard sound, it was a soft voice

He calmed the chatter, that was all noise

He held out His hand, he gave me a lift

It’s called grace, it’s His free gift


Salvation, is His master plan

He designed it, to redeem man

He included me, wow, I was in awe

I soon discovered, I was not stuck in flaws


I hear His voice, it’s now coming in clear

Oh, how I love, how He drew me in near

Broken Pieces, they all matter to God

Come everyone, no matter your flaws

© Copyright By Bart Hickey, All Rights Reserved 2018

On the hill at Calvary

You died upon that cursed tree

I hid my life in shame and fear

I trust the One who draws me near

I cast my anxiety on the cross

You died for me when I was lost

My soul is free I will not die

I trust my Lord and not the lie

It’s when I put my trust in You

I know that You will carry me thru

From the beginning to the end

I’ll have Your Spirit that You did send

Your Spirit lives with-in my heart

Every day with You I start

You died upon that cursed tree

You died alone to set me free

I’ve been set free from guilt and sin

Never to go back again

It’s when I put my faith in You

You keep me awed in all You do

I bring my burdens to the cross

It’s in You I never get lost

My forgiveness come from faith in You

Grace thru faith is Your Truth

On the hill at Calvary

You died and rose, that’s what set me free

© Copyright By Bart Hickey, All Rights Reserved 2018

He Called Me By Name

From out of the dark into the light

No longer in fear no longer my plight

I once lived with no hope cover in scars

Locked in a prison chained behind bars

The prison was mostly in my own mind

Out of control the gears started to grind

Billowing smoke from out of my own ears

Grinding and grinding, grinding all the gears

This prison I hosted started with lies

They came from the devil all in disguise

One little lie then two then three

Running amuck chasing after me

I ran, and I ran then I ran to the cross

I found my Savior there He knew I was lost

He extended His hand then called me by name

He taught me how to walk I was no longer lame

I started believing Truth not the old lies

I started believing Jesus not the devil in disguise

The more I believed Jesus the more I found solid ground

The devil can huff and puff, but he can’t blow my house down

I am standing on the promises of my loving God

Who’s love forgives sin and all of my flaws

I gave my life to Jesus, it’s Jesus I serve

Living for Jesus is how I won’t swerve

© Copyright By Bart Hickey, All Rights Reserved 2018

Nails Times Three

It was Christ on the cross

That tore the veil

He was the ransom for sin

That was sending me to hell


Nails times three

He was nailed to the tree

He came with a purpose

Then died at Calvary


It is a message with purpose

That will not tickle your ears

It gives sight to the blind

Oh, how I can now hear


He won’t leave you alone

He is drawing you near

His message has hope

For all that want to hear


He has called you out of darkness

So, you can walk in His light

He’ll give you His strength

To endure thru this fight


Our battles are won

When we steady the course

It’s our heart that He wants

But won’t take it by force


Will you join this here race

Will you endure to the end

Will you walk with the Lord

As He calls you His friend

Romans 10:9 If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

© Copyright By Bart Hickey, All Rights Reserved 2018

What Makes the Good News

The Good News

The Gospel is called the Good News, ever wonder why? With all the evil that’s going on in the world, is there really good news. What is the Good News and what is not the Good News? John 3:16 says, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son. That who so ever believe in him shall nor parish but have eternal life.

Romans 5:8 says, But God demonstrates his own love for us in this, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 10:9 says, That if you confess with your mouth” Jesus Is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

The Good News refers specifically to the Gospel of Salvation. The Apostle Paul writes in Romans 1:16-17, I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew then for the Gentile. 17. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written, “The righteous will live by faith.”

You know there is a lot of things going on in this world and a lot of circumstances that are out of our control. There is also a lot of evil going on in this world and have you ever felt like there was no hope around? What if you lived a good long life and you got to the end of your days and let’s say you looked out into the world and said is this it? Is there nothing else? Or what about this. You go to the doctor and he reveals your check-up results to be that you have a terminal illness and you wonder what’s next? Create a situation or scenario of any kind and I bet you can find one out there in the world that is happening at any given time. Just pick one and ask do they have hope of something else, is there an afterlife? I tell you what, how about this. You are professing Christian and one thing after another keeps bombarding you and you can’t seem to get up on your feet to save your life. You start battling depression or a chemical addiction of some sort, you have no money to pay your bills and don’t know where your next meal is going to come from. Or maybe you are just down on your luck and can’t seem to find any help or support and therefore have no hope. You’ve lost your way in life and need a friend but have no one to turn to. Is there really any hope out there, somewhere, anywhere? Then someone approach’s you with what they call the Good News and you ask yourself is there any real Good News?

We call the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and it really is the Good News. For anyone looking to have any hope in their life, Jesus Christ is the hope for a new way to live and therefore is the good news. You see Jesus came to this earth with a message for all who have lost their way or are in some way broken or lost. He came to save mankind. Are you asking why this Jesus came to save mankind? Well let me tell you. The world (the people) is lost and without hope. When I say lost and without hope, I mean living separated from the Creator of the universe. If you were to die in a separated condition, apart from God, you would be eternally hopeless and therefore separated from God FOREEVER. See the world is sinful and sin by definition is an offense or transgression against the law of God. An offense against moral law, Gods law. In essence it means missing the mark.

Now let’s get something straight. You don’t have to be living an evil or wicked live to be lost or broken. You can be the nicest, most compassionate person or be a type of person that is a giver, that does right and kind things for humanity and people and still be lost and without hope. You see Jesus came to save us and free us from the bondage of sin. Jesus died on the cross, was buried and rose to life three days later to give us salvation. All those that believe in Jesus will be saved and have eternal life. This my friends is the Good News. The Good News for me is that I believe that when I die I will live eternally with Christ. And there’s even more Good News. That life until I die, I can live free of guilt and shame and no longer have to live a life defeated against anything. Now that my friends is the GOOD NEWS.

Now I’m free to live. Does that mean I don’t sin, no I do sin but what I do is I repent of that sin and live my life for Christ. Repent means to turn from sin and confess it to Christ to be forgiven. You see in 1 John 1:9 it says If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Now that my friends are a promise and is good news.

I have an analogy I like to use: when we get saved it’s like and old weather beaten and worn book. The outside is my shell and the inside are my life, you could say my story. What Jesus did on the cross is that God took out my story and replaced it with Jesus’ story so the when God now looks at me He sees the righteousness of Christ not all my old baggage. What He does is He takes my story and turns it in to Christ’s story for Christ sake. I mean to tell you, if that isn’t good news I don’t know what is.

1 Peter 3:15 says Always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that lies in you. The hope I have is what Jesus did to save me and change my life. He changed my heart from the inside out. I was a hopeless dope fiend, my sin was drugs, women, motorcycles and whiskey. I even had a dog but most of the time I was the dog. I walk on people, hurt people and sold out the people that were closest to me, even my wife. Hurt people hurt people. I was living without hope even while having a life in the church, but while I was in the process of using up and losing everything in my life that meant anything to me Christ met me in my sin, right where I was at. I was praying, and I know a whole lot of people were praying on my behalf and my prayer was to have a desire to really know God while others were praying that I would change, and Christ started to do a work in my heart. He took away the drugs, everything changed. I started wanting to know Christ again and got deeper in studying the Bible. One thing I never stopped doing was I never stopped going to Celebrate Recovery, which pointed me to the healer which is Jesus Christ. John 8:31-32 says To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, ”If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” My friends I have freedom today. Freedom from guilt and shame, free to live without worry. I still screw up but I don’t quit any longer. I do my best to persevere no matter how hard it gets and when I get knocked down and I really do get knocked down, guess who picks me up. My Lord picks me up, He is so faithful even when I’m not. God loves me and I know it. I have a new identity today and it’s not me. My identity is, I’m a child of God and Christ is my identity. I am who He says I am and I’m loved by God.



© Copyright By Bart Hickey, All Rights Reserved 2018

Know the Lord and He will know you

Obey His Word and know that He’s true

He’s faithful and kind for this I know

Walk in His ways and His Truth will show

Draw to the Lord and He will draw you in

He died on the cross to forgive all your sin

He conquered death and rose from the grave

He obeyed God so your soul He will save

Give Him your life and submit to His will

Your life will have joy that’s more than a thrill

He will give you His Spirit and guide your way

From His path you will never have to stray

Call out to God and He will give you His hand

He will free you from bondage so you can enter the land

He knows your struggles that hold you back

He’ll hold you close when under attack

When you want to hide behind a wall of fear

He’ll hold you in close and dry every tear

He will forever be your guiding light

By removing the scales to give you His sight

Now ask Him for strength to run this very race

Then bring Him your burdens in exchange for His grace




© Copyright By Bart Hickey, All Rights Reserved, 2011-2018

Our Savior was hung on a criminals cross

Dying for all, forgiving who’s lost

He was born by the Spirit, yet walked as a man

Walking in obedience, He completed God’s plan

He is the reconciliation between man and God

He is our redemption since man has been flawed

Let’s rejoice in our sorrow and rejoice in our pain

He came as our Savior, Forever He’ll reign

He is Alpha, Omega, the Beginning and End

After the ascension, His Spirit He did send

I stand in amazement, I stand in awe

He takes me as I am, with all of my flaws

I rejoice in sadness, I rejoice when in fear

I know I can call out, He draws me in near

I submit to His Lordship, I submit to my God

I’ll forever be His, He’ll forever be awed

I stand in His mercy, I’m saved by His grace

He is my strength to persevere in this race

He called me out of darkness, into the light

I answered His call, I walked away from my plight

He offered me freedom, He set me apart

It’s a new life He gives right from the start

I’m sealed by His Spirit, forever His child

All because of Jesus I have been reconciled

© Copyright By Bart Hickey, All Rights Reserved, 2011-2018